
Courage, Resilience & Grit

To live life fully, we want to be able to deal with setbacks in a way that we can manage them, and move on from them wiser and stronger, and also keep persisting.  And hopefully enjoying and feeling passionately about what we are doing while we are living, so that we get to the end of our time here on earth, and say we got through the downs, and revelled in the ups!  We lived with the whole of our…...

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Courageous Public Speaking

Life is full of moments that ask us to show up and to speak up. Many are mundane, some are emotional, and others are hard.  Living life fully includes adding our voice when it counts. And to do that we need to find our voice, own it and use it. Courage gives us the strength to speak up, especially in public when we feel the risk most intensely. So we turn now to the skill of speaking in public.  We are…...

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Overcome Imposter Syndrome – 7 Part COURSE- 2023

Are you one of the 70% of people who say they experience imposter syndrome at some point in their careers? If you have ever had those awful feelings from believing you are inferior to others, unworthy of success, or are a fake somehow and will be found out, then you’re one of the 70%. You CAN move out of that (just like I did) and be part of the 30% who don’t experience or have overcome imposter feelings, and live…...

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Purpose Driven Courage ’23 – Workshop

Courage is not just about acting in the face of fear.  There is an element of choice in the act. It is a choice related to a higher purpose– some reason that compels us to overcome our need for safety and face the fear that is triggered by the risk or challenge. When we value something beyond our own self-interests, we have a bigger intention or higher purpose for doing something.  The more worthy and valued the goal, the more we…...

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Positive & Courageous Confrontation – 2023

When we are conscious of how to have a courageous conversation that involves confrontation, or dealing with conflict, it no longer needs to be something we avoid.  It may still be an uncomfortable experience, but that level of discomfort is insignificant in comparison to the benefits that come from resolving the issue and improving the relationship.  Having more courageous conversations, more often, with skill, grace and compassion, is at the core of aspiring to live wholeheartedly and courageously.  May these…...

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Become Risk-Fit – REPLAY

Tired of fearing that you might fail so you don’t take any risks? Our fear and anxiety can be so overwhelming that we can’t take any action. We freeze or flee.   We don’t take a stand when we know we should, and then feel the guilt, regret, and that feeling of inadequacy and failure of our integrity. If you could improve your risk “fitness”, would that be useful? It’s a type of fitness that I have developed which has helped…...

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The Bravery Mindset – MASTERCLASS 2023

How many times have you needed more courage, to be successful at work or to take that next bold step towards your dream life or relationship? Yet you found yourself paralysed by fear, or overwhelmed and unable to take any action…. The good news is there is a way to grow your courage so that you can take brave, daring steps with confidence, clarity and strength. I’ve studied courage for a few decades now, and from overcoming my own fears…...

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Courage and Assertiveness

“It is naive to think that self-assertiveness is easy. To live self-assertively–which means to live authentically–is an act of high courage. That is why so many people spend the better part of their lives in hiding–from others and also from themselves.” ~ Nathaniel Branden When we are assertive, we behave confidently and are not scared to say what we want or believe.  If we are fearful, then courage can help us tackle the fear so that we can behave assertively.…...

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Closing Checklist for Positive Self Consciousness Download the checklist by clicking here. References and Bibliography Here is the list of what has informed me for creating this course: Thought Leaders: I also thank my clients, as allowing me into their worlds and mindsets has helped grow my understanding of this content and helped me to develop this knowledge and the tools that I have shared with you....

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