
The courageous skill of Feedback

If we want to live courageously, we will need to be open to learning, and improving our skills and abilities, and to developing our relationships with others. Communication is an important part of relationships, and the skill of feedback is a big part of communication.  It is the skill that helps us to express our needs and boundaries in relationships, and in making sure we understand others and their needs and boundaries too.  It is also a key skill that…...

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Courageous Time Management

Time management is our ability to use our time productively and efficiently. We want to do this so that we can get more done, enjoy our time off of work, and not waste any time, knowing it is a precious resource.  It is precious in that it is non-refundable.  And we also have a sense that it is finite- our time will come when our time will run out. We want to make the most of the time we have, and…...

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The Courageous Skill of Listening

Listening is the most important skill in communication. And it takes courage to listen. There is a danger to moving from hearing to listening. The risk is that we will be changed. The danger to listening in its purest form, is that we must take into our self the view of the world of the person we are listening to (their beliefs, ideas, premises, emotions, etc.) and this taking it in, will affect us. It is inevitable by the mere…...

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A courageous look at Excuses

How do you excuse yourself? One of the ways we play small and sell ourselves short, is we excuse ourselves from acting courageously. We stop ourselves by coming up with excuses that let us off the hook. Often this is an unconscious process, and so we buy into our own excuse-making and rationalize our way to holding ourselves back. As we strive to live courageously, we will do well to have the knowledge and ability to differentiate real constraints and…...

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The Mindset for Effective & Courageous Communication

One of the most important skills we can develop is that of communicating. Our ability to express ourselves and to receive and hear what the other says, and understand the exchange, is the ability that can make or break a relationship. And most work and projects and even ways of existing in the world today, is through relationship -it is with another or with groups of people. Because there is a lot at stake with our relationships, being able to…...

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How to be un-insult-able

Criticism will always follow us, especially if we are living courageously and attempting to do anything of value in the world.  It’s how we deal with the critics in our lives that makes all the difference. To live courageously, we need to be strong and resilient. A skill and mindset that helps unlock more of our courage is being able to handle insults, negative judgments, and criticism in a positive and constructive way.  It is also easier to face risk…...

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From Opponent to Champion Orientation

Overcoming the Drama Triangle We can go through our lives as an Opponent to change and fighting problems, which includes relating in a Drama style. Or we can shift to our Champion orientation, where we are solution-focused, outcome driven, and relate to others in a more empowering way. In this Masterclass we look at 3 critical questions that help us move from the Opponent outlook and Drama Triangle (playing the victim, rescuer and persecutor roles) to the Champion outlook and…...

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Introduction to Courageous Conversations

Could we change the world by changing the type of conversations we have? What if we were to have more conversations that are full of meaning and purpose, that shift things forward, that help us (and others) grow? These conversations are the ones that mean a lot and count, and that is part of why we find them so difficult to have. They change things, and change is scary. These are courageous conversations. In this masterclass we look at 7…...

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Courageous Optimism

Optimism (as in exercising learned optimism) is one of the resources or ways of dealing with events in our lives, that helps to unleash our courage. It compliments courage, and is a key component of Resilience. In this 1 hour masterclass we learn about what is meant by learned helplessness, learned optimism, and how and why to go about exercising your learned optimism. >> Download the Manual here. >> Download the word Workbook here....

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Graduation – Class of ’22

We can choose to live differently. We can choose to live wholeheartedly and courageously, where we pick growth over safety, and abundance over scarcity.  We can show up fully – as fallible humans, learning, growing, stumbling, and standing up again.  And we can give of ourselves, sharing as much as we can, contributing more and adding value. To live courageously means we consciously have to make this choice, and consciously and actively have to take the actions that allow us…...

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