5 Day Free Challenge with live training!

For professionals who want to be bravely intentional about what they achieve in 2025

** The 2024 Challenge is finished – so get on the waiting list for 2025 so you don’t miss out next year! **

  • Would you like to be more intentional this year?
  • Is there a goal that scares you, but that you really want to achieve, if you just had the courage to try?
  • Is it time to grow your courage and go after that one thing that you know you really need to do or be that will improve your life?

Then join me, Telana for this free 5 day Challenge to set a well-formed courageous goal for 2025!

Over the 5 days I will coach you through a process to set one goal for the new year, that will activate your courage and make the biggest, most positive and life changing difference to your life, relationships or career.

Join me for this fun journey, and enjoy:

  • 5 live training sessions.
  • Action workbook.
  • Community of like-minded courage-seekers for accountability, support and enCOURAGEment – in the Courage Circle Facebook group (or the Private WhatsApp group for VIP’s).
  • Pop-up Coaching sessions with me, within these community groups.

Sign up now, so you get on the waiting list for a reminder closer to January 2025!

This challenge is for you if…

  • Fear and anxiety hold you back from taking any action towards what you know you need to do to improve your life and career.
  • You’re tired of fearing that you might fail so you don’t take any risks.
  • You want to try new things this year, but are not sure where to start.
  • You want to develop your courage muscle, so that you can speak up, show up and
  • You want to approach risks with courage, and go for the opportunities you want to go for.
  • It’s time that you learn to manage your fear and become tougher and intentional in your growth and personal development.
  • You want to learn how to set a well formed goal.

If any of these points resonate, then great!  This fun challenge is for you!

Here’s the video about the 2024 Challenge:

How It Works

Every day for 5 days, we’ll meet live in the Courage Circle Facebook Group (and on Zoom for VIP’s) at 19h00 SAST.  I’ll share a quick training (20 to 30 minutes long), and then take questions.

We will be going through the process of setting our well-formed and intentional courageous goal for the year, with a little bit of homework each day, so you can personalise and incorporate the learnings into your lives.

For the VIP’s there will also be a WhatsApp group.  In both groups, I’ll be popping in to coach you through each day’s homework, and help with questions and encouragement to keep on track.  Plus you’ll be supported by your fellow courage-seekers.

“The one courageous goal challenge is an absolute must if you want to live with greater purpose.
It helps you get super clear on what will make an incredible year for you. Spoiler alert – it’s often not what you assume it to be! By taking the time to go through the process you might be surprised by what you uncover as your true goal for the year… I highly recommend working with Telana if you have big dreams that you want to achieve!”

– Shanel, Corporate Professional, participated in 2022 & 2023 Challenges

Introducing your Challenge Coach: Telana Simpson

I’m Telana, and I’ve learnt the power of setting our intentions, and how to grow courage from my own experience of overcoming my fear of public speaking, of being seen, and of conflict.

I have nearly 2 decades of experience coaching and teaching others to become more courageous in their conversations, personal lives, and careers.  And I look forward to taking you on this journey of courageous goal setting!

Learn more about me here.

What You’ll Get

You will leave with:

  • a clearly defined goal,
  • knowledge about courage to help you grow this resource within you,
  • and an action plan to start achieving your goal in the following year.
  • Also a workbook.
  • And maybe a new friend or two!

“I highly recommend setting One Courageous Goal programme offered by Telana. This is because it offers clarity in your mind about what steps you need to take to achieve your set goal. Combining this with monthly accountably sessions helps you keep track of steps taken so far, accepting life challenges that happen that you do not have control over, which then encourages you to be flexible in your approach to life and reprioritise tasks that still need to be taken in order for your goal to still be realised. Reflecting back at the end of the year shows you how much you have grown. Isn’t life all about growth? 🤩”

– Malebo Legong, Entrepreneur, participated 2023 Challenge

What If I Can’t Attend The Live Trainings?

Attending live is encouraged, as it will help deepen your experience and keep you accountable to work through the process and get the result of a well-formed courageous goal for 2025.

If you can’t make the live session – no worries, there will be replays available in the Facebook Group. These replays will be available for just a few days after the challenge, so do try to make time during the Challenge Week to work on setting your goal for the year – it will be well worth it!


“I enjoyed the challenge. It was very eye-opening, and I found a lot of helpful steps and advice. One specific breakthrough was that I did a very uncomfortable action subconsciously, and I was surprised at my action. It was unexpected, yet I felt proud, as I needed to do it at the time. It showed how much I grew from the beginning of the challenge.
The biggest value was to appreciate myself more. I noticed a lot of my personality traits that I am beginning to love and appreciate. The challenge helped me to be aware of myself and other setbacks that prevented me from growing.
The challenge was very helpful and reminded me that I cannot stay in my comfort zone for a long time. Telana has been the most lovely and inspiring person. She goes a long way to give tips and lessons on achieving my goals. She is available when I want to message her.”
– Mmatebo, Graduate, and Participant in January 2023’s Challenge

“My original goal was to define what I wanted my life to look like, post-retirement, and to start putting some of that in place. I guess you could say that it was a multidimensional goal that encompassed the financial, physical, mental, emotional, human, healing and spiritual sides of my life. Those were easy enough to breakdown, using the tools that Telana taught us, into smaller goals, tasks, and do-able action steps. Putting a timeline to them, and having regular accountability sessions in which we shared our progress was a fantastic “guard rail”. Intent is the starting point, but action is where the rubber hits the road, and after doing the thinking, speaking about your intentions, you ultimately need to start “doing” something to reach them. And from the process, right in front of me, was the stuff I knew that I needed to do to get to where I wanted to be. We all know this, but so few of us practice it, and it was the accountability sessions that gave me the motivation to keep doing things. A year later many of these things have become part of the fabric of my life. One area where I’ve always battled is finding a purpose for my life. For many of us that seems to come from our job, or our role as husband and father, or from some religious or philosophical belief, but after retirement, some of those drivers seem to fall away. I needed something to fill that hole. Working with Telana on that One Courageous Goal I set out a mission statement for myself that I would craft a life of wonderful experiences in the time that I have left based on the law that “Thoughts Become Things”. It’s allowed me to become an active participant in the events of my life, using the processes I learned with Telana, and best of all I get to choose where I want to go. So far, I’m delighted with the results. So, many thanks to Telana and her guidance for setting me off on my journey – it’s one I will happily recommend to anyone.”
– Michael Payne, Participant in 2023’s challenge

“Many thanks for the challenge Telana, I learned a great deal about myself and goal setting. I thought it was so much easier to set myself a goal and stick with it, no wonder I always failed in the past. I never considered having an accountability partner, it’s such a great motivator.
Telana, I thought you were exceptional as a coach. You obviously love your subject too! You were warm and friendly and made me feel at home, yet direct and firm guiding the group from not wandering off the subject. You obviously have exceptional knowledge in your subject and have such an infectious way of sharing it. I had a lovely 5 days learning from you and thank you deeply.”
– Colette Price, Bookkeeper, Participant in January 2022s Challenge

“I finally got to listen to the first day recording which I absolutely loved! I’m going to take my time to go through all the recorded sessions. I think it’s really awesome.  I know you and I did a lot of work a few years back which really transformed and helped me and I think it’s always nice to get a refresher and remembers some of the things I’ve forgotten. And deepen the neuro-pathways of my new beliefs because sometimes I do fall back into old easy patterns of behaviour. So I really am excited to be part of this programme and just apologies that I haven’t been able to join live. But thank you so much for making this available to us. I think it’s so valuable and from the first session I am really enjoying it, so thank you.”
– Voice note from Shanel, Corporate Professional, April 2021 regarding one of Inner Coaching’s challenges

“Hi T, thank you! We are learning so much from you! So very interesting and very helpful.”
– Sarah, Graphic Designer, September 2021

“Hi Telana. A huge shout out to you. I’ve been involved in a hectic campaign to get things produced and been involved, emotionally, physically and mentally involved with drawbacks at every corner, and honestly without your course I would have lost my shit a long time ago… And you may quote me on this, write it down, whatever you want, but this is the truth. Your course has helped me so much just with understanding, and also this Imposter Syndrome thing, which I never thought I was never really a part of. There’s been a particular part of this and having a look at it and understanding it better has made me a lot more aware of things, a lot more engaged with myself on a positive level, and a lot better. And I don’t know if it’s going to work out for me in terms of the business, but I tell you what, it certainly has been delivered and wouldn’t have been without your assistance. Thank you, thank you, thank you. You are a biscuit!”
– Stuart, Business Owner, December 2021

For more testimonials about my coaching and training: click here.